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Baby Panda's Kitchen Party

Baby Panda's Kitchen Party

カテゴリー:子ども サイズ:94.6 MB バージョン:

レート:3.1 アップデート:Jan 23,2025


Let's explore the exciting world of kitchen utensils and cooking! This game features a cooking competition between kitchen utensils, each showcasing their unique skills. Kids can participate and learn along the way!

Cooking Prep:

First, let's prepare the ingredients! We'll slice the carrots and tomatoes. The lettuce just needs its leaves separated. Now, let's marinate the meat. Season the steak with pepper. For the fish, we'll use scallions and ginger – spread them evenly over the fish!

Cooking Competition:

It's frying pan versus wok – who will win? Help the frying pan cook a fried egg. Choose a mold, crack an egg into the pan, and create a delicious fried egg! Now, it's the wok's turn! Add onions and beef to the wok, toss and stir-fry until cooked. The hot stir-fried beef with onions is ready to serve!

Cleaning Up:

The kitchen utensils are quite dirty. Let's give them a good cleaning! Squeeze detergent onto the sponge, gently apply it to the utensils, and watch the stains disappear! Lots of bubbles? Turn on the shower to rinse them away! Finally, wipe dry any water stains with a towel.

Which dish will be more popular? Join the kitchen party and find out!


  • Learn about kitchen tools and basic cooking methods.
  • Engaging personified kitchen utensils to make learning fun.
  • Discover 6 different kitchen utensils: juicer, clay pot, food steamer, and more.
  • Identify 27 ingredients: bananas, carrots, fish, and many others.

About BabyBus:

BabyBus is dedicated to fostering creativity, imagination, and curiosity in children. Our products are designed from a child's perspective, helping them explore the world independently. BabyBus offers a wide range of educational apps, videos, and other content for over 400 million fans aged 0-8 worldwide. We've released over 200 children's educational apps and over 2500 episodes of nursery rhymes and animations covering health, language, society, science, art, and more.

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Baby Panda's Kitchen Party スクリーンショット 0
Baby Panda's Kitchen Party スクリーンショット 1
Baby Panda's Kitchen Party スクリーンショット 2
Baby Panda's Kitchen Party スクリーンショット 3
Baby Panda's Kitchen Party のようなゲーム
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