Battle Crush, a mythology-inspired MOBA, has launched into early access on mobile, Switch, and Steam. This family-friendly MOBA, featuring Smash Bros.-inspired mechanics, pits 15 "Calixers" – mythological and folkloric characters (with a few exceptions) – against each other in frantic, fast-paced battles.
Think of it as an all-ages Smite, blending MOBA elements with platform fighter mechanics. While the action is intense and perfectly suited for mobile play, hardcore MOBA veterans might miss the depth of control found in titles like League of Legends.
Our initial hands-on experience deemed Battle Crush "good, but with room for improvement." While enjoyable, it might be wise to wait and see how the game evolves throughout its early access period.
Dominate the Arena
Battle Crush offers three game modes at launch: Battle Royale, 3v3 Brawl, and 1v1 Duel. Crucially, it boasts full cross-platform play, allowing seamless progression across mobile, Switch, and Steam.
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