More Tales of titles will be getting remasters, as confirmed by the series’ producer Yusuke Tomizawa in the 30th Anniversary Special Broadcast. Read on to find out more about what’s to come following the series’ 30th year!
Tales of Remasters Consistently Coming In The Future
Working Hard With A Dedicated Development Team
Tales of series producer Yusuke Tomizawa confirmed the continuation of producing more remasters of the series, assuring that more titles will be coming "fairly consistently." In the recently concluded Tales of Series 30th Anniversary Project Special Broadcast, he said that while he couldn’t disclose more specific details and plans that they had going, he assured that a "dedicated" development team for the remasters has been made, and will work hard to continuously provide more Tales of titles in the near future "as much as possible."
Bandai Namco previously expressed their openness to creating more remasters for the Tales of series on a FAQ from the official website, noting that they heard from "a lot of passionate fans of the series around the world that they want to play old Tales games on the latest platforms." The 30-year-old franchise had many stellar titles in its long history, yet a number of those have been stuck on older hardware, unable to be played by both nostalgic gamers or the newer generation. Fortunately, Bandai has definitely locked into the plan of bringing more of the Tales of series into modern consoles and PC.
The newest title of the Anniversary Project, Tales of Graces f Remastered, is slated for release for consoles and PC on January 17, 2025. Tales of Graces f was originally released back in 2009 for the Nintendo Wii, and it has now found its way onto modern hardware following Bandai Namco’s plans for the series.
Tales of Celebrates 30th With A Blast
The 30th Anniversary special program indeed celebrated the game’s rich history, looking back at all the titles that were released all the way from 1995. Developers who had a hand in creating these games also shared personal messages, congratulating the series on its milestone.
Additionally, Western fans can now join in the hype with the new English Tales of official website! For sure, news of the upcoming remasters will be announced there, so be sure to stay tuned.