Experience the whimsical world of Mister Antonio, a charming puzzle game from Belgian developer Bart Bonte. This latest creation follows in the footsteps of Bonte's successful titles like Purple, Pink, Blue, Red, Words for a bird, Logica Emotica, and Boo!, offering a similarly engaging, albeit feline-focused, gameplay experience.
A Royal Demand:
Mister Antonio, the demanding feline overlord, has a peculiar obsession with colored balls. What begins as a simple fetch quest quickly evolves into a series of increasingly complex spatial puzzles. Players, embodied as a rectangular-headed robot-like human, must retrieve these balls, adhering strictly to the cat's exacting order of colors. Failure to meet his demands might result in being locked out of your own home!
Navigating Multiple Worlds:
The game's unique twist lies in its multi-world design. These round worlds present diverse challenges, requiring players to navigate bridges, collect dust-sprinkled balls, and avoid obstacles like pine trees, all while maintaining the perfect delivery sequence.
A Free, Feline-Fueled Challenge:
Mister Antonio is available for free on the Google Play Store and features numerous levels of escalating difficulty. If you're ready to test your puzzle-solving skills while catering to a demanding virtual cat, this game is a purrfect choice.
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