Embark on an Unexpected Adventure with Capybara Go! This text-based roguelike RPG from Habby (creators of Archero and Survivor.io) lets you experience the world of capybaras in a surprisingly exciting way. Forget cute pet sim – this is a chaotic adventure!
What awaits you in Capybara Go?
Prepare for an epic journey centered around your capybara companion. You'll equip your furry friend, forge alliances with other animals, and navigate a series of unpredictable, randomized events. Every choice matters, leading you towards triumph or failure.
Expect a cast of quirky animal allies, including a surprisingly helpful crocodile best friend! As you progress, you'll upgrade your capybara's gear and abilities, facing diverse enemies and navigating the aptly-named "Chaotic Capybara Route."
Ready to Play?
Capybara Go has soft-launched and is currently available on Android in several regions, including India, Australia, North America, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Download it for free from the Google Play Store and see if this latest Habby title becomes your next mobile obsession. Given their success with Archero and Survivor.io, Capybara Go shows strong potential to be another hit.