The acclaimed cyberpunk anime game, Punishing: Gray Raven, unleashes its latest content update, "Blazing Simulacrum," a significant collaboration with the BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER franchise.
This update, arguably the most substantial since its launch, introduces a captivating new story chapter, fresh coatings and returning SFX coatings, a plethora of limited-time events, and a brand-new A-Rank Omniframe. The Omniframe's exclusive coating, "Elder Flame," debuts alongside her.
BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER herself is remarkably accessible, obtainable within 10 pulls, making her ideal for new players. She wields the exclusive Bladed Cannon, "★Rock Cannon," boasting unique skills and abilities, including damage output during her signature move, making her a formidable addition to any fire team. Her design meticulously adheres to the original character, showcasing her signature blue flame, "★Rock Cannon" proficiency, and faithful costume recreation.
Blazing Simulacrum Update Details:
The update features a mix of returning and new SFX coatings. Returning coatings include "Solitary Dream" for Bianca: Stigmata and "Vox Solaris" for Selene: Capriccio, while "Snowbreak Bloom" for Liv: Luminance and "Nightbreaker" for Lucia: Crimson Weave are brand new additions. A thrilling new Chessboard Realms roguelike game mode is also included.About Punishing: Gray Raven:
Set in a dystopian future ravaged by a biomechanical virus, "The Punishing," and its army of corrupted robots, humanity's last hope resides in the space station Babylonia. Players lead the Gray Raven special forces unit, tasked with building an army to reclaim their world.
Since its 2021 release, Punishing: Gray Raven has received numerous updates, maintaining its fast-paced ARPG gameplay and strong player base. A PC client and English dub were added in 2023.
Experience the thrill of Punishing: Gray Raven – available now for free on Android, iOS, and PC.