NetEase's post-apocalyptic survival game, Once Human, launched on PC with a peak concurrent player count of 230,000 on Steam, achieving a notable seventh place in top sellers and fifth in most-played games. The mobile version, initially slated for September, has been delayed, though the developers have hinted at upcoming updates.
These updates include a PvP mode pitting the Mayflies and Rosetta factions against each other, and a new PvE area in a northern mountain region introducing fresh challenges and enemies. Once Human, set in a world ravaged by a catastrophic event leading to supernatural occurrences, is a highly anticipated title from NetEase.
A Cause for Concern?
The 230,000 player peak is crucial to note. This figure represents the highest concurrent player count; the average player count may be significantly lower. A rapid decline from the peak so soon after launch could be a warning sign for NetEase, especially considering the game had over 300,000 Steam wishlists.
NetEase, primarily known for mobile games, is clearly aiming for a larger PC presence. While Once Human boasts impressive graphics and gameplay, a swift shift in their core audience might prove challenging.
Despite the delay, the mobile release of Once Human remains highly anticipated. In the meantime, check out our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) and our list of the year's most anticipated mobile games to find your next gaming adventure!