Pokémon Go's Max Out season culminates in a spectacular finale event from November 27th to December 1st! Prepare for boosted XP, reduced hatch distances, and increased Remote Raid Pass limits.
This finale introduces Galarian Corsola and Cursola, hatching from 7km Eggs. Shiny versions may appear! Increased wild spawns include Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, Wooloo, and Falinks. Five-star raids feature Zacian, Zamazenta, and shiny Regieleki and Regidrago, while Mega Altaria leads Mega Raids.
Field Research tasks offer Stardust and themed Pokémon encounters. A $5 Timed Research provides extra rewards, including an event avatar pose. Collection Challenges reward XP, Silver Pinap Berries, and Rare Candy. Don't forget to redeem your Pokémon Go codes for additional free items!
For the ultimate experience, a $10 event ticket unlocks bonus XP, extra Candy, and Raid Passes. Free bonuses for all players include 5,000 extra XP for successful raids, halved egg hatch distances, and an expanded Remote Raid Pass limit.
The Seasonal Delights Box in the Pokémon Go Web Store offers incubators, Raid Passes, and other helpful items.
Download Pokémon Go today and join the finale celebration!