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Moises: 音樂家應用程式

Moises: 音樂家應用程式

分類:視頻播放和編輯 大小:94.61M 版本號:1.8.1

開發者:moises systems 評分:4.4 更新日期:Mar 13,2025


Moises MusicianAmpAmp39S應用程序在音樂編輯方面是Android設備的遊戲規則。它獲得了許多享有聲望的獎項,這並不奇怪。該應用程序使您可以以以前從未想過的方式釋放音樂創造力。 With its user-friendly interface and intuitive controls, you can separate vocals from songs, add various musical instruments, and even change the pitch and playback speed. The app also employs cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to determine chords, making it easier than ever to create mesmerizing tracks.此外,Moises MusicianAmpAmp39S應用程序提供了智能的節拍器功能,可輕鬆生成同步的節拍器軌道。

Moises MusicianAmpAmp39S應用程序的功能:

⭐️ Voice extraction: The app allows users to separate and extract vocals from any music track, giving them the ability to focus on specific elements of a song.

⭐️ Instrument separation: Users can separate instruments in both audio and video files, allowing for more control and creativity when working with music tracks.

⭐️ Pitch and playback control: The app offers the ability to change the pitch and playback speed of music tracks, giving users the flexibility to experiment and create unique sounds.

⭐️ Metronome generation: With a smart metronome feature, the app automatically generates synchronized metronome tracks, making it easier for musicians to stay in rhythm while practicing or recording.

⭐️ Cut and loop functionality: Users can easily cut and loop specific parts of a song, enabling them to create custom musical arrangements or practice specific sections.

⭐️ Remix options: The app offers the ability to add drums, guitar, bass parts, piano, and various other instruments to a music track, giving users the tools to create professional-level remixes.


Moises MusicianAmpAmp39S應用程序是Android設備的功能強大且用戶友好的音樂編輯器。 With its voice extraction, instrument separation, pitch and playback control, metronome generation, cut and loop functionality, and remix options, the app provides musicians with a comprehensive set of tools to explore their musical creativity.舒適的界面和直觀的控件使其成為初學者和經驗豐富的音樂家的便捷選擇。立即下載該應用程序以解鎖音樂編輯可能性的全新世界。

Moises: 音樂家應用程式應用截圖第0張
Moises: 音樂家應用程式應用截圖第1張
Moises: 音樂家應用程式應用截圖第2張
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通過我們精選的經典和新熱門遊戲合集,潛入街機遊戲世界! 通過 Clone Cars 和 Brick Breaker - Balls vs Block 等遊戲體驗複古遊戲的快感,或者通過 Fancade、Polysphere 和 Riot Squid 探索創新的新體驗。 無論您是益智遊戲(Screw Pin Puzzle 3D)、動作冒險遊戲(Rope-Man Run、SwordSlash)還是競技多人遊戲(1-2-3-4 人乒乓球)的粉絲,這個係列都能滿足您的需求每個人。 使用 Tolf 和更多令人興奮的應用程序探索街機遊戲中的最佳內容。立即下載 Clone Cars、Fancade、1-2-3-4 Player Ping Pong、Brick Breaker - Balls vs Block、Polysphere、Riot Squid、Tolf、Rope-Man Run、SwordSlash 和 Screw Pin Puzzle 3D!