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隱喻:ReFantazio - 完整的債券指南

作者 : Victoria 更新日期:Jan 23,2025

隱喻:ReFantazio - 完整的債券指南

探索 Metaphor: ReFantazio 的世界並聚集追隨者以建立深厚的聯係! 這些同伴與其他遊戲中的社交鏈接類似,提供了獨特的遊戲元素。 與十四個不同的追隨者建立關係,每個追隨者都有八個債券等級可供解鎖。 通過這些等級的進步可以解鎖新的原型和寶貴的獎金來幫助你的冒險。


比喻:ReFantazio 的追隨者名冊


Follower Name Unlock Method Archetype Lineage
Gallica Defeat the first boss in the Nord Mines on 6/6. Mage
Strohl Defeat the first boss in the Nord Mines on 6/6. Warrior
Hulkenberg On 6/10, after defeating the boss in the Mausoleum. Knight
Heismay On 7/4, after entering the main dungeon for the first time. Thief
Junah Complete the side quest "Save The Mourning Snakes" after reaching Virga Island. Masked Dancer
Eupha Complete the side quest "Trial Of Malnova" after saving her in the Dragon Temple. Summoner
Basilio On 9/14, after leaving Altabury on the Gauntlet Runner. Berserker
Neuras Complete the quest "Providing A Spark" given on 6/14. Gunner
Maria During main story events on 6/10. Healer
Catherina Upon entering the Grand Trad dungeon on 6/12. Brawler
Alonzo Complete the quest "A Dagger, A Ring, and a Rake" given by Culcus in Martia. Faker
Bardon After completing the Martira main story (7/16 deadline), find him in Martia's city square. Commander
Brigitta Begin the quest "A Bullish Embargo" with her near her Igniter shop in Grand Trad (6/12 or later). Merchant
More On the night of 6/5 after he summons you. Seeker


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