 >  ゲーム >  アクション >  Mazinger Z salva a Venezuela
Mazinger Z salva a Venezuela

Mazinger Z salva a Venezuela

カテゴリー:アクション サイズ:318.10M バージョン:v1.0.0

レート:4.4 アップデート:Mar 25,2022


Introducing the Mazinger Z salva a Venezuela! Embark on an epic journey with two young heroes as they fight to protect their homeland from the forces of evil. Take control of the mighty Mazinger Z, a giant robot, and face off against mechanical beasts, planes, helicopters, and tanks determined to conquer the world.

To navigate, simply tap the right or left side of the screen to move your character in that direction. Hold down for more than two seconds to make your character run. Fly with the Jet Scrander by double-clicking its icon and unleash your weapons by tapping them on the circular HUDs. Activate or deactivate the radar with a simple tap. Change the game language to one of three options by tapping the Mazinger Z logo.

Join the colossal adventure today and download Mazinger Z salva a Venezuela now!

Features of Mazinger Z salva a Venezuela:

  • Virtual Machine: Immerse yourself in a virtual world where you command the super robot Mazinger Z and battle against the forces of darkness.
  • Colossal Adventure: Experience a thrilling adventure as you pilot the giant robot, facing off against mechanical beasts, planes, helicopters, and tanks seeking to dominate the world.
  • Easy Controls: Enjoy intuitive controls that allow you to move your character by tapping the right or left side of the screen. Hold down for more than two seconds to make your character run.
  • Flying Capability: Attach to the Jet Scrander by double-clicking its icon and soar through the skies in eight directions using the same movement controls as on the ground.
  • Weapon Activation: Activate or deactivate weapons with a simple tap on the circular HUDs.
  • Language Options: Choose from three different languages by tapping the Mazinger Z logo at the top right of the HUD.


With its simple controls, flying capabilities, and weapon activation, Mazinger Z salva a Venezuela offers a captivating and immersive gameplay experience. The option to change the game language enhances accessibility for a diverse range of players. Don't miss out on this opportunity to join the colossal adventure and save the world. Click now to download.

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Mazinger Z salva a Venezuela スクリーンショット 1
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Mazinger Z salva a Venezuela スクリーンショット 3
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