Despite being somewhat overshadowed by other titles, Halo Infinite continues to captivate its audience with regular content updates. The latest addition, a competitive game mode named S&D Extraction, promises to deliver a fresh and strategically rich experience for players.
Drawing inspiration from Valve's iconic Counter-Strike, S&D Extraction introduces unique elements to the mix. The mode pits two teams of four players against each other: one team assumes the role of attackers, tasked with planting a device at a designated point, while the other team defends. After each round, the teams switch roles, adding a layer of strategic depth. Victory is achieved by winning six rounds, keeping players engaged and on their toes.
A key feature of S&D Extraction is its comprehensive economic system. Players can purchase equipment at the start of each round using in-game currency earned through completing objectives. The prices of equipment are dynamic, fluctuating based on performance throughout the match. All gear vanishes at the end of each round, ensuring that every decision counts. The cost of items is determined by their effectiveness and potential impact within a round, with more powerful items naturally commanding higher prices. Players can expect to find cheaper options in the early rounds, more expensive choices mid-match, and potentially even pricier gear towards the end if they manage their earnings wisely. Additionally, players have the option to pay for a respawn after being eliminated, adding another strategic element to the gameplay.
Set to launch in 2025, S&D Extraction is poised to offer Halo Infinite fans a dynamic and engaging competitive experience that will keep them coming back for more.