Hideki Kamiya, after a two-decade tenure at PlatinumGames, embarks on a new chapter, launching his own studio, Clovers Inc., and spearheading a highly anticipated Okami sequel. This article delves into the details of this exciting new project and Kamiya's reasons for leaving PlatinumGames.
A Long-Awaited Sequel
Renowned game director Hideki Kamiya, known for titles like the original Okami, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil 2, Bayonetta, and Viewtiful Joe, has finally realized his long-held ambition: a sequel to Okami. In a recent interview with VGC, Kamiya revealed his new studio, Clovers Inc., and the partnership with Capcom as publisher. He expressed his belief that the original Okami's narrative was unfinished, fueling his desire to create a proper conclusion. His previous attempts to secure a sequel at Capcom proved unsuccessful, leading to this independent venture.
Clovers Inc.: A New Beginning
Image from Clovers Inc. official website
Clovers Inc., a name echoing his past work at Clover Studio (the developer of Okami and Viewtiful Joe), is a joint venture between Kamiya and former PlatinumGames colleague, Kento Koyama. Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames in October 2023 was unexpected, but Koyama's encouragement solidified his decision to establish a new company focused on game development. Koyama manages the business aspects, while Kamiya concentrates on creative direction. The studio currently employs 25 people across Tokyo and Osaka, with plans for gradual expansion. Kamiya emphasizes a shared creative vision over sheer size, attracting a team of passionate individuals, many of whom are former PlatinumGames employees.
Image from Clovers Inc. official website
Leaving PlatinumGames
Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames, a company he co-founded, surprised many. He attributes his decision to internal changes that conflicted with his game development philosophy. While he doesn't elaborate on specifics, he stresses the alignment of his vision with Koyama's, making Clovers Inc. a natural fit.
A Softer Side?
Beyond his renowned game development skills, Kamiya is known for his sometimes blunt social media presence. However, following the Okami 2 announcement, he's shown a more conciliatory side, publicly apologizing to a fan he previously offended. This seemingly softer approach extends to unblocking fans and engaging more positively with the community. While his characteristic directness remains, a shift towards greater empathy is evident.