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Complete Arcane Lineage Boss Guide – How to Beat Them All

Author : Noah Update:Mar 22,2025

In Arcane Lineage, boss encounters range from solo-able challenges for newcomers to epic battles demanding multiple teams. Each boss presents unique mechanics, demanding strategic thinking and patience for victory. Conquering these formidable foes yields some of the game's most coveted loot and items. This Arcane Lineage boss guide will equip you for the fight.

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Table of Contents

Arcane Lineage Boss List

King Slime

King Slime Location

King Slime Fighting Strategy

King Slime Drops and Rewards

Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon

Yar’thul Location

Yar’thul Fighting Strategy

Yar’thul Drops and Rewards

Thorian, the Rotten

Thorian Location

Thorian Fighting Strategy

Thorian Drops and Rewards

Metrom’s Vessel

Metrom’s Vessel Location

Metrom’s Vessel Fighting Strategy

Metrom’s Vessel Drops and Rewards

Arkhaia and Seraphon

Arcane Lineage Boss List

**King Slime**Around the CityEasy
**Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon**Inside Mount ThulNormal
**Thorian, the Rotten**Deep in the Cess GroundsHard
**Mettrom’s Vessel**Deeproot CanopyVery Hard
**Seraphon**Unlocked by ranking up in the Church of RaphionHard
**Arkhaia**Unlocked by ranking up in the Cult of ThanasiusVery Hard

King Slime

While considered a mini-boss, King Slime is not to be underestimated, especially by low-level players. Note that soul points cannot be obtained from this boss.

King Slime Location

King Slime spawns after 100 Slimes are killed on the server. It appears near the city closest to the last slain slime's location. A notice on the Quest Board announces the King Slime quest, which involves locating and defeating the boss. This quest has a 30-minute global server cooldown.

King Slime Fighting Strategy

King Slime has 400 HP (600 HP if Corrupted), the lowest of any boss. Its main attack is summoning more Slimes, which can overwhelm players. AOE poison attacks are also employed, so potions and cleansing abilities are recommended. Its low health allows for a relatively straightforward battle; focus on eliminating summoned Slimes before attacking the King Slime directly. Its AOE attacks only inflict Poison, not direct damage.

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Slime Creation**1Summons a Slime to fight for King Slime.
**Crush**0King Slime lunges forward, attacking a party member.
**Poison Eruption**2King Slime throws out a burst of Acid, poisoning your party. This attack cannot be dodged or blocked.
**Scalding Spray**3King Slime erupts with boiling hot liquid, poisoning your party. This attack cannot be dodged.

King Slime Drops and Rewards

Possible drops from King Slime include: Random Tier 1 Equipment, Slime Buckler, Gelat Ring. Quest board rewards for completing the King Slime event: Ferrus Skin, Potion, Small Health Potion, Essence, Gold.

Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon

This fire-type boss utilizes fire and inferno-based attacks. Its resistance to fire and physical damage, coupled with weakness to Hex damage, significantly impacts strategy.

Yar’thul Location

Yar’thul resides deep within Mount Thul, an active volcano in the desert. Navigating the volcano's dark corridors leads to the Blazing Dragon.

Yar’thul Fighting Strategy

Yar’thul boasts 1200 HP (1800 HP if Corrupted). Its high damage output, coupled with Inferno and Burning effects, makes this a race against time. Phase two, triggered below 50% health, involves summoned meteors that inflict stunning and healing reduction. The Dragon Ring and Pristine-level accessories are highly beneficial. The Corrupted version gains lifesteal.

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Inferno**0Automatically inflicted Inferno status effect at battle start. Undodgeable.
**Fire Claw**0Fire-imbued claw slash, dealing light damage.
**Magma Pillar**2Creates a magma pillar inflicting damage and Inferno/Burn stacks. Lasts 3 turns.
**Blaze Core**3Consuming Inferno stacks for healing.
**Blaze Eruption**2Damages burning targets and applies Inferno/Burning stacks.
**Magma Beam**4Charges a devastating fire beam (1 turn charge, massive damage on next turn). Undodgeable.
**Hellfire**1Unstoppable wave of fire, light damage and Burning stacks. Undodgeable.
**Armageddon**6Below 50% health, summons a meteor for massive damage, stun, and healing reduction. Undodgeable.

Yar’thul Drops and Rewards

Guaranteed rewards: Absolute Radiance, Permafrost Curse, Wild Impulse, Heavenly Prayer, Breath of Fungyir, Narhana’s Sigil, Reality Watch, Shifting Hourglass, Ring of the Dragon, The Void Key (Corrupted Yar’thul). Possible drops: Dragontooth Blade, Dragonbone Gauntlets, Dragonbone Spear, Dragonflame Shield, Memory Fragment, Soul Dust, Phoenix Tear, Resplendant Essence, Lineage Shard, Skyward Totem.

Thorian, the Rotten

Once an animal, Thorian is now a corrupted abomination resistant to most elements but heavily weak to Holy damage.

Thorian Location

Thorian is found in the Deeproot Canopy within the Cess Grounds. Head right upon entering the Cess Grounds.

Thorian Fighting Strategy

Thorian has 2600 HP (3900 HP if Corrupted). A key mechanic involves avoiding consecutive attacks of the same type to prevent 150% damage healing. Vary attack types. Exploit its weakness to Holy damage (135% damage increase). Below 50% health, it unleashes a devastating attack inflicting Plague, Curse, and Hexed (15-turn cooldown).

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Cursed Wave**2Damages 3 party members, chance to inflict Curse.
**Overflowing Curse**0Minigame; failure inflicts Plague. Undodgeable.
**Cess Breath**1AOE damage and debuffs.
**Warped Crush**1Damages 3 party members.
**Blasphemous Obliteration**5Below 50% health, devastating AOE attack inflicting Plague, Curse, and Hexed. Undodgeable.
**Hexed Burst**1Small AOE, chance to apply random debuffs.
**Plague Rupture**2Applies a random debuff then massive damage scaling with debuff count.

Thorian Drops and Rewards

Guaranteed rewards: Absolute Radiance, Permafrost Curse, Wild Impulse, Heavenly Prayer, Breath of Fungyir, Stellian Core, Metrom’s Amulet, Darksigil, Ring of Blight, The Void Key (Corrupted Thorian). Possible drops: Blightrock Dagger, Blightwood Staff, Memory Fragment, Soul Dust, Phoenix Tear, Resplendant Essence, Lineage Shard, Skyward Totem.

Metrom’s Vessel

Metrom’s Vessel, a Raid Boss, requires a Void Key (obtained from corrupted bosses) and spawns on a global timer.

Metrom’s Vessel Location

Location is announced server-wide after spawning.

Metrom’s Vessel Fighting Strategy

Metrom’s Vessel has 10,000 HP (15,000 HP if Corrupted) and significant damage negation. The fight is lengthy (30-60 minutes). Two phases exist with different attacks and mechanics. Phase one involves destroying wings to reduce damage negation; timing is crucial to avoid triggering phase two attacks prematurely. Shadeblades (200 HP minions) must be eliminated quickly. Oblivion (undodgeable, 50% max HP damage) is a significant threat. Phase two features wings with offensive and defensive modes. Consistent debuff application is key for efficient damage.

Phase 1 Attacks
AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Rendering Slash**0Damages and applies Weakness stacks.
**Deathbound**1Applies Sundered stacks to 2 random players.
**Eclipse**1Applies a buff to Metrom’s Vessel.
**Invoke Shadeblades**3Summons two Shadeblades (200 HP each). Undodgeable.
**Hexed Rend**3AOE slash inflicting debuffs. Undodgeable.
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